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Do you want to be creatively involved in theater but don’t want to memorize lines or be on stage in front of an audience? We have a wide range of other ways you can help bring our productions to life.
Are you creative in nature? We’re looking for people to create the scene on the stage by
  • Designing and building sets.
  • Costuming actors for the era of the show.
  • Providing props for the action.
  • Operating lights and sound effects to add to the mood.
Maybe you’re organized and a people motivator. If so, we welcome people who are interested in learning how to stage manage, produce, or direct.
Just as important, we need an audience for our performances. Help us publicize with your knowledge of (social) media. And we are always looking for ushers and house managers on performance nights to welcome our audience and help guide those who are new to our space.
To get started, just fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.

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